Men’s costume from zero to hero – Part 4, the shirt

04.02.2016 by Rotschopf in Clothing, Textile work

So, I know, I let it slide a bit since the last parts….

The search for original pictures of shirts from my time and region is not as easy as I thought. You often see them, but only worn underneath the kyrtle.

The following pictures are quite interesting though:

Tacuinum sanitatis around 1380-90

and again

and again

France at around 1380

around 1380

quite a lot later than my time but quite interesting

13 century, spanish
there are quite a number of pictures showing shirts bound in the waist with a simple band

Belgium around 1350

France, middle of the 14th century

Heilung eines Gichtbrüchigen, Concordantiae Karitatis, Klosterneuburg um 1349, mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Imareal       speculum humanae salvationis um 1350-75, wien,               speculum humanae salvationis um 1350-75, wien,gleichnis vom verlorenen sohn,
Concordantiae Karitatis around 1340                      Speculum humanae salvationis                             Speculum humanae salvationis around 1360

I decided to use a very simple tunic pattern from two rectangular pieces, two gores and trapezoids for the arms with small gores in them. The material is basic white linnen and I sewed it with white linnen thread. Quite an unexciting piece actually, which is fine because you will need more than one of these for one and the same timestretch of wearing your kyrtle.

DSC_0649 (2)  DSC_0670 (2)  DSC_0652 (2)

Here you see my sweetheart training to wrestle on one of our events.

Articles on male underwear

Collection of shirt evidence




The other parts of the series:

Part 1 – Research

Part 2 – Bruoch

Part 3 – Hosen

Part 4 – Shirt

Part 5 – Hood

Part 6 – Kyrtle