Medieval themed sights in Vienna’s outskirts

30.10.2017 by Rotschopf in Exhibitions, Meetings and Visits

In this post, I want to give a little sequel to my guide through medieval Vienna and recommend some attractions in Vienna’s outskirts and surrounding cities.

If you have more tips, that are reachable within 1-1.5 hours of drive from Vienna, please let me know in the comments! I have not included churches, castles and ruins that can only offer architectural highlights since there are some very good lists here and here and I honestly don’t know any castle with a well made medieval exhibition in it.


  • Klosterneuburg abbey: This 12th century monastery not only has impressive architecture and excellent wine cellars to offer, but also quite a few medieval pieces of art like the Verdun Altar or the Veil of Agnes in a travel altar of the Stiftsmuseum, as far as I know, one of only 4 extant medieval veils pieces in Europe. Here a little insight by Firiel.
  • MAMUZ – Museum für Urgeschichte in Asparn an der Zaya (museum for primeval times): This museum does not only have primeval pieces in its wonderfully made exhibition but also a large collection of early and hig medieval collection.
  • Stillfried archeological museum: This museum is mainly oriented towards very early finds, but it also has very interesting finds from Roman and medieval times.
  • Hainburg: The beautiful medieval old town of Hinburg with its many towers has a lot to offer for visitors. .
  • Krahuletz museum Eggenburg: Eggenburg is not only known for the largest Austrian annual medieval fair but also for its pretty old town and the Krahuletz collection has some very interesting pieces to show.
  • Heiligenkreuz abbey: Beautiful romanic and gothic architecture, medieval glass windows and the tomb of Friedrich II are awaiting the visitor here.
  • Lilienfeld abbey: Although the abbey’s architecture is mostly baroque, the fountain house with its intricate Glass-windows and the gothic cross-coat is definitely worth seeing.
  • Mauerbach abbey: This abbey does not have much medieval architecture left, but during the events and workshops of the national monument conservation department, which take place there, a visit is very much recommended.

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