
All posts from the category "Research and literature".

Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaissance – John M. Riddle

The Trotula – Monica Green

Women’s Secrets: A Translation of Pseudo-Albertus Magnus De Secretis Mulierum – Helen Rodnite Lemay

Alienated from the womb: Abortion in the early medieval West, c. 500-900 – Zubin Mistry (more…)

Today I would like to show you a new piece from my collection on the topic of women in the middle ages. I recently worked on a display table on the topic of women for an event. I already had a lot of pieces from my prior work, but there is loads of more pieces to explore!

If you have contact with modern neopagan circles, you might get the feeling that christian people in the middle ages completely refuted magical applications, but the truth is way more complicated, because magic – as we understand it today -, medieval medicine, medieval science and christian belief can’t even clearly be separated. (more…)

Today we would like to show you some sources and techniques for doing laundry in the 14th and 15th century.


When finished with costumes and the daily life equipment for our hobby, other topics become more important when preparing concepts for events. In the future, we would like to take a closer look on the details of late medieval life styles and recreate them as far as possible. This includes for example sleeping habits and routines.


Enough is enough! Throw your iron Toilet-paper-roll-burner (yes, that totally is a thing), your lamp oil covered torches and your stupid Visby lanterns out the window! This is not your allday Hollywood-dungeon, we are recreating the civilisation of late medieval times!

Here we will show you some of the numerous possibilities to light your medieval house, tent or road in a historical way.

