A womens hood in cherry red

24.05.2020 by Rotschopf in Clothing, Women's stuff

I already own a warming hood with buttons for my simple impression and if it really needs to be very practical for work, I also like to wear my husbands hood. But I wasnt quite satisfied with the fit of my buttoned hood and the material didnt really fit my more expensive clothing more expensive clothing. So I needed another model which can be worn over a fine veil and as a fashionable accessory rather than be a warming garment for winter when I most probably will never take out my finer gowns with their overlength and delicate silk lined skirt edges.


For the reconstruction of the pattern, I used a combination of different patterns from original finds. One piece for the main body and two side gores.

Womens hoods are not seen too often in mid century Austria as I already explained here, but in other parts of Europe you can see them quite often. The first example of an open worn hood is from the Codex Manesse from the first half of the 14th century. And in France and England, you can see quite a part that is featuring liripipes.

The material is madder dyed light tabby woven wool from Medievalcrafts and woad dyed silk from a facebook frea market group. I sewed it with madder- and woad-dyed silk from Marled Mader.

the buttons turned out slightly crooked because of the thin fabric, but at least I am very happy with the button holes for once.



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