All posts from the category "Leather".
One can absolutely not have enough leather bags for all the small items of everyday Hobby use. And since I have a lot of free time at hand at the moment, due to Lockdown measures, I finally made this project happen as well, making my own leather bags.
Nowadays, I do not have as much luggage with me as I used to, when I was still visiting medieval markets as a non-participant. Lighter, Mobile phone, 2L of Mead, 300 EUR for overrated fast food, jewellery and nonsense, huge cloaks, flutes, beakers and provisions – that is what I used to pack.
Today, all I have with me when on an event, is a knife fitting into my leather purse.
But our camera, with which we document our events, needed a period solution to pack it, waterproof and away from visitor’s gazes. So I at last needed a small bag.