
All posts from the category "Material culture".

Today I would like to show you a new piece from my collection on the topic of women in the middle ages. I recently worked on a display table on the topic of women for an event. I already had a lot of pieces from my prior work, but there is loads of more pieces to explore!

If you have contact with modern neopagan circles, you might get the feeling that christian people in the middle ages completely refuted magical applications, but the truth is way more complicated, because magic – as we understand it today -, medieval medicine, medieval science and christian belief can’t even clearly be separated. (more…)

Ich recently could get my hands on some pretty convincing fake gold thread and now I have some projects I had always wanted to do. One of them is a gold brocaded tablet woven filet ribbon which I had been inspired by an extant original by.


‘t was the year of our lord 2020 when all the reenactors came together in the village of Hohenwang to enjoy their life, fill their bellies with delicious food and wash their mortal bodies from all sins in the waters of the Günz, so that the horrible plague would pass them. It was there I was witness to the maiden Helena who was filled by the fire of the holy spirit fighting the devil himself in the body of a horrible beast not unlike a badger and executed the victory of light against the darkness and the heavens against the fires of hell. Awestruck, I could get hold of a piece of her bloody dress and I took it home to Vienna to create a vessel, worthy of the miracle. See here, what I contrived…


3 years. That is how long I brought this stupid project along with me on every holiday and every event, doing a few loops at a time, then loosing motivation again, throwing it into a corner and picking it up again some time later. Now it is finally finished with a bit more than 20 000 knots.


Via a Blogpost by Zeitensprung I was inspired to think about my bed-equipment and I thought, I might be in need of a hovedpole/bolster for my bed. And I finally finished the long planned project.


Here I am collecting posts, that thematically fit the impression of a shepherdess. A work in progress.


Whenever I was spinning in the last years, I just had the wool flocks held in my hand. It was practical enough when going by metro or train, where I would usually spin. But I have not been entirely content with that for some time and during my research for …well not really an impression but some accessories that fall into the theme of shepherds and outdoor equipment, I started thinking about having my own made.

During my visit at the museum Schloss Gottorf in Schleswig however, I got the right hint. (more…)

Man’s best friend

27.08.2017 by Rotschopf in Material culture

Since this spring, me and my husband, our mice, vampire crabs and mini shrimps have another room mate:

Now our little basset mix of course has to come with us on several reenactment events and her modern leash and harness have been a thorn in my eye. (more…)

Flicken in einem der Herjolfsnes-Kleidungsstücke

Darning in a Viking cap

Darning in Medieval Textiles

Invisible Mending at the Shroud of Turin

Darning in an ancient tunic

Darning in clothing of the late antiquity

Die Lendbreen Tunika


Enough is enough! Throw your iron Toilet-paper-roll-burner (yes, that totally is a thing), your lamp oil covered torches and your stupid Visby lanterns out the window! This is not your allday Hollywood-dungeon, we are recreating the civilisation of late medieval times!

Here we will show you some of the numerous possibilities to light your medieval house, tent or road in a historical way.

