In general I don’t really feel pretty in my historical costume. My impression is a simple one, my clothing is practical and made after historical sources. That is about as much as it needs to be and my modern esthetics needs to give. Everything for the hobby!
But when I have to package my hair up and take the only thing away that will give my face structure, I at least want to do that with some high end accessories. I do that mostly in my citizen’s wife impression.
And so from beautiful dark purple silk thread by Marled Mader aka. Archäotechnik textile Fläche I made a new hairnet, adorned with little pearls.
3 years. That is how long I brought this stupid project along with me on every holiday and every event, doing a few loops at a time, then loosing motivation again, throwing it into a corner and picking it up again some time later. Now it is finally finished with a bit more than 20 000 knots.
As a guest of dear interpreter friends from southern Germany, I was part of the Mittelaltertage im Freilandmuseum Bad Windsheim event during which several interpreters from early and late medieval period are living in the houses of the open air museum for several days.
Since the local hospital celebrated it’s 700 year anniversary, there was a wonderful special exhibition in the nearby Museum Kirche in Franken on the topic of medieval and post medieval hospitals which two of the leading interpreters of our part of the event were involved in creating.
This anniversary was our inspiration for the 14th century part of the event. In 3 different houses we recreated different parts of the hospital business and showed different aspects of care for the sick and the administration of the hospital. A detailed report of the event will follow soon.
Each of the 20 interpreters involved had a certain topic or area to prepare and me and Thomas, my IG14 colleague chose to manage the bathhouse integrated in the hospital due to our previous experiences in that topic . For this I still needed some equipment.
Our company colleague Viki has recently made a very pretty underdress with a supportive upper part for her mid 14th century impression and allowed me to write an article about it.
For years I have been wearing my natural coloured, practical wool dresses to do the dirty work on events, I wipe my dirty hands in them and do not have to take care of them a lot except when darning moth holes.
But someday, I said, I wanna be just as pretty as my colleagues and so I have been announcing that I will make myself a citizen’s wife dress very soon…. for years. My colleagues made fun of me whenever I would bring the topic up again. “Yeaaaah, sure, you and the citizen’s wife…” But it bugged me and after having some major hassle with the fabric orders I made for the dress, I could finally start.
Via a Blogpost by Zeitensprung I was inspired to think about my bed-equipment and I thought, I might be in need of a hovedpole/bolster for my bed. And I finally finished the long planned project.
- Tod Mariens, um 1370, Altar von Schloss Tirol, Innsbruck, mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Imareal
- König David und Abischag, um 1336, cod. 168,I, fol. 175r, Benediktinerstift St. Lambrecht, mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Imareal
- Geburt des Hl. Nikolaus, um 1475, Filialkirche St. Nikolaus, Klerant, Südtirol, mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Imareal
You could already read on this blog that I made a simple man’s ensemble for my husband.
Some time ago, I found this beautiful indigo-dyed wool twill online and since I am working towards a higher ranking Impression myself, I thought, I could do the same for him while I collect my own materials.
Whenever I was spinning in the last years, I just had the wool flocks held in my hand. It was practical enough when going by metro or train, where I would usually spin. But I have not been entirely content with that for some time and during my research for …well not really an impression but some accessories that fall into the theme of shepherds and outdoor equipment, I started thinking about having my own made.
During my visit at the museum Schloss Gottorf in Schleswig however, I got the right hint. (more…)
Nowadays, I do not have as much luggage with me as I used to, when I was still visiting medieval markets as a non-participant. Lighter, Mobile phone, 2L of Mead, 300 EUR for overrated fast food, jewellery and nonsense, huge cloaks, flutes, beakers and provisions – that is what I used to pack.
Today, all I have with me when on an event, is a knife fitting into my leather purse.
But our camera, with which we document our events, needed a period solution to pack it, waterproof and away from visitor’s gazes. So I at last needed a small bag.
On the occasion of the “Straw hat month April, I have tried my skills at another project, a straw hat in the technique of the Lengberg finds. I had started it last August at our event at Bachritterburg Kanzach. Since I experimented with the technique for another impression of mine , I still had a lot of the material left.